Infertility is when a couple cannot get pregnant, despite having regular unprotected sex. If you are trying for a baby, there is lots of helpful information online, including on the NHS website.
Visit the NHS website for advice about trying for a babySome people get pregnant quickly, but for others it can take much longer. If you have been trying to conceive for a year without success, you may wish to speak to your GP.
If you live in Hertfordshire and west Essex, one cycle of IVF and specialist fertility treatment is available on the NHS for eligible patients who meet certain criteria. You will be initially assessed by your GP and then may be referred for tests and investigations at a local hospital. Please speak to your GP in the first instance if you are worried about possible infertility.
IVF and other fertility services will only be funded if you meet the eligibility criteria listed in our policy. A request for funding must be made to the ICB by a hospital specialist. You cannot make this request yourself. If your application is approved, you would then be referred to the IVF clinic of your choice from a number of clinics.
Read the Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB policy on IVF and specialist fertility servicesIf you have any queries about fertility services please talk to your GP or call our Individual Funding Requests team on 01707 685353 or 01707 685354.