The Hertfordshire Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism Health and Care Partnership (MHLDA) brings together the NHS, local government, and the voluntary, community, faith, and social enterprise sectors to deliver a shared vision:
Supporting people living with a mental illness, learning disability, and/or autism in Hertfordshire to live longer, happier and healthier lives.
The partnership’s work aims to make the most of the knowledge, skills, expertise and resources of all organisations and communities to better support people in Hertfordshire.
The partnership’s areas of focus and responsibility include:
- Making care and support easier for people to access and to reduce the unfairness in health outcomes and access to care
- Working together to deliver high quality support and services for people with mental ill-health, learning disabilities, or autism
- Preventing more people from becoming unwell by promoting positive health and wellbeing.
We will achieve this by working in partnership with people with lived experience, health and care staff, as well as communities and partner organisations ensuring that we respect what matters to service users, their families, and communities.
Our partners include:
- Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust
- Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust
- East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
- West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
- Hertfordshire Partnership University Foundation Trust
- Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board
- Hertfordshire County Council
- Carers in Hertfordshire
- Herts Mind Network
- Mind in Mid Herts
- Viewpoint
- Healthwatch Hertfordshire
- Change Grow Live
We work with community partners to ensure that the quality of care provided to those with mental illness, learning disabilities, and autism is respected and considered through all aspects of health and social care.
To find out more and get involved in improving care and opportunities for people with mental illness, learning disabilities, and autism, please email the Development Director for the Hertfordshire Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism Health and Care Partnership.
Read our Annual Report Read our physical health strategyEssex is served by three Integrated Care Boards, and an integrated adult mental health strategy is currently being developed to serve the greater Essex area. Get more information about mental health support and services in west Essex.