NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB)
The Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB is responsible for planning and overseeing how NHS money is spent to support our 1.6 million residents.
About our NHS Integrated Care Board
The Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board was established on 1 July 2022, as a result of the Health and Care Act 2022. -
Our constitution
Our Constitution, developed with the engagement of system partners and other stakeholders, sets out our purpose, powers, and governance and leadership arrangements to ensure we discharge our duties and responsibilities effectively. -
Integrated Care Board members and meetings
Our Board is the senior decision making forum for the ICB and is collectively accountable for the performance of the ICB’s functions. -
Our Primary Care Transformation Committee
The ICB Primary Care Transformation Committee (formerly ICB Primary Care Board) is a sub-committee of the ICB Board it has delegated duties specific to Primary Care and General Practice, making recommendations and reporting directly to the ICB Board. -
Governance Handbook
Our ICB is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance. Good governance ensures that an organisation fulfils its purpose, achieves its intended outcomes for residents, and operates in an effective, efficient and ethical manner. -
What we spend and how we spend it
Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board is committed to meeting transparency requirements in relation to how we spend public money. -
Our plans, strategies and priorities
As a member organisation of the Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Partnership, our ICB Board has agreed six priorities for improving the health and wellbeing of local people and joining up health and care services. -
Public information and documents
Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board is committed to open and transparent decision-making. All our published documents and reports are available here. -
Tell us about your patient experience
It is important to share your views and experiences of local NHS services. Your feedback helps us to improve our services and resolve any issues. -
Get involved
We want to make sure local health and care services are the best they can be and meet the needs of local people. To help with this we regularly seek your input, listen to your experiences and feedback and involve local people in our work. -
Funding your care
Make an Individual funding request (IFR), apply for NHS continuing healthcare or a personal health budget. -
The Lampard Inquiry
The Lampard Inquiry is an independent statutory inquiry investigating the deaths of mental health inpatients in Essex.