Integrated Care Partnership (ICP)
The ICP brings together a broad alliance of organisations and representatives involved with improving the care, health and wellbeing of the population.
Our strategy for a healthier Hertfordshire and west Essex
The Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Strategy sets out how we will work together over the next 10 years to create healthy and safe communities where everyone’s contributions are valued, and we all have the opportunities and support we need to thrive. -
ICP survey on local services
The Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) have commissioned Healthwatch Hertfordshire and Healthwatch Essex to gather lived experience from Hertfordshire and West Essex residents. -
Partnership members
The ICP’s board includes members from the NHS, local authorities, care providers, the police, Healthwatch, and the voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector (VCFSE) sector. -
Integrated Care Partnership meetings in public
The meetings of the Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Partnership are managed by Hertfordshire County Council.