Health and Care Professionals
If you work in health or care in our area, you can find sources of advice and information to help support you and your patients and clients here.
PMOT and clinical pathways website
This website provides clinical and prescribing information including decisions, guidance, pathways and policies to healthcare workers within Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care System to support optimal patient care. -
No wrong door
Non-medical help is available everywhere, thanks to services in Hertfordshire and Essex. You can support anyone by pointing them in the right direction. -
Shared pathology services network
Additional practice roles – communications toolkit
A toolkit developed by the ICB with practices and patient groups to help your practice explain the different available health professionals in primary care. -
Provider quality queries
Our patient safety team take action to deal with concerns and feedback about the quality of services raised by primary and secondary care colleagues. -
Medicines Optimisation and Pharmacy
Our Medicines Optimisation and Pharmacy service oversees and advises on the use of medicines that are given to patients across Hertfordshire and West Essex. These are medicines that you get through GP services, hospitals, community clinics, community pharmacies and care homes. -
Safeguarding for GPs and practice staff
Safeguarding is protecting children and adults from abuse or neglect. All NHS commissioned services have a key role to play in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and adults at risk of harm, as safeguarding is everybody’s business. -
Primary Care Training Hub
Keep up to date with the latest Primary Care workforce and education news and training from Herts and West Essex Training Hub. -
Hertfordshire and West Essex Health and Care Academy
The academy is a source of information about careers in the health and care sector, current vacancies, and a hub for wellbeing, training, and opportunities for staff from local health and care organisations. -
Shared Care Record: More information for health and care professionals
Extra information and resources on the Shared Care Record for health and care professionals. -
Protected: Clinical leads for our ICB
West Essex Urgent and Emergency Care support and contact information
Alternative to admission / community on-boarding – think Urgent Community Response first. Services available to support adult residents registered or residing in west Essex. -
Documents for health professionals
Toolkits, reports and other documents aimed at health and care professionals.