Healthwatch Hertfordshire and Healthwatch Essex want to hear from the Armed Forces community about their experiences of accessing and using local NHS services and what would help them get the care they need.
If you live in Hertfordshire or west Essex and are a veteran, non-mobilised reservist, are currently serving or are a family member of someone in this position, Healthwatch wants to hear from you.
Their study will provide a valuable opportunity to shape how healthcare services can be improved for people within the Armed Forces Community.
If you’re a Hertfordshire resident, sign up to take part in the Hertfordshire study and share your story – and as a thank you for your time you will be given a £10 voucher for taking part.
For anyone living in west Essex, sign up to take part in the west Essex study and share your story.
By sharing your views and experiences, you will be helping the NHS learn how it can better support the Armed Forces Community.