The Surgical Centre building is now watertight following the installation of the external walls and lift shaft. However, work has not progressed as quickly as planned, and the Surgical Centre will now open this winter.
West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS trust is carrying out a wider redevelopment of the St Albans Hospital site. All four of the hospital’s theatres, which are used by patients in south and west Hertfordshire, recently reopened following a major upgrade. There have been improvements to staff changing areas, corridors, lighting, signage and redecorated rooms to create a better environment for staff and patients. These upgrades together with the complete of essential maintenance works are providing patients and staff with an improved environment.
Michael Meredith, senior responsible officer for the surgical centre programme said, “Building in and around a compact, working hospital site with several different contractors has made this a complex and challenging development.
“Our first priority has always been the safety of patients and staff and the quality of service we deliver, and we’re never going to compromise on that – even if that means taking longer to open the centre.
“While it’s disappointing not to be opening sooner, we remain enthusiastic about delivering what will be a fantastic facility delivering 4,000 extra operations for patients waiting for orthopaedic and ear nose and throat surgery across Hertfordshire and West Essex.”
For further information and updates about the development go to the Surgical Centre information page.