Find out how health and care organisations across Hertfordshire and west Essex will use technology to improve patient care over the next decade. Our strategy was developed following engagement with residents, clinicians, workstream and programme leads across our voluntary, health and social care partners. We have identified five key themes as our digital strategy mission covering not just new technology, but strengthening our digital skills as a workforce, helping our residents access online services and collaborating and sharing information to improve care.
Take a look at the strategy to understand what it means for you and your colleagues.
Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care System Digital Strategy 2022-2032Animation
To help explain how our new digital strategy will transform care, we have produced this animation to help tell our story.
A shorter version version is also available.
The Digital Future – Fictional Visionary Citizen Stories
The success of our digital strategy will lie in how it improves the experiences our residents have with using health and care services. These ‘citizen stories’ are fictional accounts which represent our Hertfordshire and west Essex residents. Their stories aim to illustrate what delivering on our strategy will actually mean to our residents and staff and show some of the benefits of investing in technology. These are just some examples of the positive impact that digital transformation will have in our area, but to find out more, we recommend you read the full strategy.
The Digital Future – Fictional Visionary Citizen Stories