Stopping smoking or not smoking at all is one of the most important things that you can do to improve your health and wellbeing. You will also be surprised at how much money you could save.
You’re three times more likely to stop smoking for good with support from a local stop smoking service. Your GP can refer you to a stop smoking adviser or you can contact your local stop smoking service.
You can find information and advice specific to Hertfordshire and west Essex on this page. You can alternatively find your local Stop Smoking Service on the NHS Better Health website.
Visit NHS Better Health for more advice on quitting smoking, including details on how to download the free NHS Quit Smoking app.
Get support in Hertfordshire
The Hertfordshire Stop Smoking Service is led by Hertfordshire County Council. Working with over 300 stop smoking services across the county, they offer free help for up to 12 weeks.
Make the first step and contact the Hertfordshire Stop Smoking Service.
Contact the Hertfordshire Stop Smoking Service
To contact the service, you can text SMOKEFREE to 80818. Alternatively you can get in touch in one of the following ways:
Once you are referred, the service will contact you as soon as an appointment is available.
Visit the Hertfordshire County Council website for more information about the Stop Smoking Service in Hertfordshire.
Healthy Hubs also provide free health and wellbeing support, including on smoking.
Healthy Hubs in HertfordshireGet support in west Essex
Contact the Essex Wellbeing Service
Contact the stop smoking team at the Essex Wellbeing Service by phone or email.
Through the Essex Wellbeing Service you can also find initiatives such as Allen Carr’s Easyway to help people in Essex stop smoking. This online seminar is for anyone who lives or works in the county – sign up to a free 5-hour seminar to help you quit smoking.